Robertson: God-hating Atheist Women Likely Got Raped, And Now They Reject Jesus

Televangelist Pat Robertson on Monday offered viewers an explanation as to why atheist women refused to accept Jesus as their person savior: They were probably raped.

Televangelist Pat Robertson on Monday offered viewers an explanation as to why atheist women refused to accept Jesus as their person savior: They were probably raped.

A viewer named Sandra told Robertson in a letter that she didn't understand why an atheist coworker was "openly hostile at the mere mention of God" when the viewer tried to "bring her to Jesus."

"Should I abandon the idea of being a positive influence on her and just let her perish?" Sandra asked.

Robertson speculated that the coworker could be controlled by "something that is demonic" or "something that is deep ingrained."

"But to be that openly hostile to the word 'God,' it's something beyond the normal human experience," he said. "Something has happened."

"Maybe she had an abusing father, somebody who raped her and acted like he was preaching to her from the Bible," the TV pastor continued. "You just never know what's going on in somebody's childhood."

In the end, Robertson said that the viewer may have done all she could do for the atheist coworker.

"Just pray for that anointing," he concluded.

(h/t: Right Wing Watch)

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