Things I Saw Around The Intertubes Today
Odds and ends that caught my eye this morning...
- Darrell Issa apologized to Elijah Cummings. Awww.
- Paul Krugman says that Paul Ryan is a lying sack o'shit. Okay, not exactly, but close.
- Just wondering if Obama has ever taken a vacation that didn't result in much conservative wailing and gnashing of teeth...
- Notre Dame tennis player Matt Dooley comes out as gay. Apparently the school has no problem with it as long as he doesn't actually have sex!
My pal Addie Stan is at CPAC, and informs us via Twitter that Mike Huckabee is concerned:
.@GovMikeHuckabee fears God's retribution on America b/c Sodom and Gommorah #CPAC2014
— Adele Stan (@addiestan) March 7, 2014
To which I replied with the REAL sin of Sodom:
@addiestan @GovMikeHuckabee She, daughters [were] arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. –Ezekiel 16:49
— Susie Madrak (@SusieMadrak) March 7, 2014
- Considering all the toxins in everyday life, this seems like a good idea.
- Chris Christie, noted buck-passer, lectures Obama on "leadership." Uh huh.
- The last day of the last abortion clinic in the Rio Grande Valley. Which also happens to the poorest part of the state. Freedom!