Bill O'Reilly Blames Income Inequality On Taxes Being Too High

Bill O'Reilly blames stagnating wages, companies hoarding money and offshore tax havens on taxes being too high in the United States.

Once again, it's opposite-land over at Faux "news." Bill O'Reilly with another one of his rants on why no one should ever... ever dare to raise his taxes, and making excuses for the race to the bottom on wages and those that want to hide their income in offshore tax havens.

Those evil, no-good tax-and-spend dirty Socialist redistributors made them do it!

From Fox's blog: O’Reilly: America Should 'Damn Well' Get Back to Capitalism:

A study from The New York Times found that working and middle class Americans are falling behind their counterparts in Canada and parts of Western Europe in terms of salary.

According to the Times, managers and executives are taking all the money and leaving little for workers. President Barack Obama and many Democrats want to redistribute income, believing that the government can stimulate higher wages.

“Talking Points submits that the socialistic trend is the real problem with wage growth in America,” Bill O’Reilly said, adding that a punishing tax system means that billions of dollars are kept overseas instead of expanding industry here.

"The Factor" host believes that the Times wants capitalism diminished.

“They want corporate America to give, not earn,” he said.

O’Reilly said that we should emphasize developing a skill set and hard work ethic in this country.

“Instead the idle talk is all about inequality, that the system is rigged, telling working Americans they are victims, therefore some don’t strive as hard as they might,” he said. “Capitalism made this country the most prosperous on Earth, and we should damn well get back to it because if we don’t, you might want to think about working in Canada.”

I don't think O'Reilly would like it in Canada much either, but if he really wants to move there, I'm sure there are a whole lot of us that would be happy to help pack his bags for him.

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