Krauthammer: 'The Clock Has Run Out On Benghazi'

(via NRO) Charles Krauthammer said “the clock has run out on Benghazi” Wednesday night, after Senators John McCain, Kelly Ayotte, and Lindsey Graham held a press conference to say they have no plans to abandon their effort to create a special committee to further investigate the scandal.

Krauthammer haz a sad about this one, but lets the cat out of the bag a bit by saying as a "political issue" this is done.

via TPM

Charles Krauthammer, an influential conservative commentator, on Wednesday told Republicans to give up on Benghazi.

"Politically speaking the administration has won. They ran out the clock. If we had a select committee from the beginning, really had coherent hearings unlike what we’ve had, which were disjointed hearings that let all things sort of slip away, we really would have been somewhere. We would have gotten to the bottom of this. But as a political fact, this thing is done," he said on Fox News about congressional Republicans' many investigations into how the Obama administration handled the attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya.

Sens. John McCain (R-AZ), Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Wednesday held a press conference on Benghazi. Last month, the same three senators called for a Select Committee to investigate Benghazi, but Krauthammer said it's time for them to let it go.

"Unfortunately you only have a certain amount of time, a certain amount of attention, and the clock has run out on Benghazi," he said Wednesday.

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