Liz Cheney: Torture Investigation Is 'Political' So Senate Should Focus On Benghazi

Fox News contributor Liz Cheney on Sunday argued that a United States Senate report on Bush-era torture was "political" and that lawmakers should spend more time investigating President Barack Obama's role in failing to prevent terrorist attacks in Benghazi.

Fox News contributor Liz Cheney on Sunday argued that a United States Senate report on Bush-era torture was "political" and that lawmakers should spend more time investigating President Barack Obama's role in failing to prevent terrorist attacks in Benghazi.

Last week, the Senate Intelligence Committee voted 11-3 to request that the White House declassify parts of an investigation into the CIA's enhanced interrogation program, whose chief backer in the Bush White House was former Vice President Dick Cheney.

"If you're going to say that we should not have conducted the enhanced interrogation program, if you're going to say that we shouldn't have waterboarded three terrorists, then you've got to say that you're willing to accept the consequences of that," the former vice president's daughter said on a Sunday morning Fox News panel. "You've got to be willing to say how many American lives would you have been willing to put at risk because you didn't want to waterboard Khalid Sheikh Mohammed."

Fox News political analyst Juan Williams quipped that Liz Cheney was the "good daughter," but the American people had a right to know what the CIA was doing in their name, and if the techniques were effective.

"I want to start by agreeing with Juan," Liz Cheney shot back. "That we need more congressional oversight... of Benghazi, for example."

She added that the Senate did not produce a "fair report" because it was "written entirely by Democratic staffers."

"The Republicans wouldn't participate!" Williams replied. "People not only wouldn't cooperate, [the CIA] tried to spy on the U.S. Senate."

Liz Cheney concluded by saying that she had "missed Juan" during her absence from Fox News for a failed Senate run in Wyoming.

Watch the video below from Fox News' Fox News Sunday, broadcast April 6, 2014.

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