Missouri Mayor Agrees With Shooter Frazier Glenn Miller 'On Some Things'
Marionville's Mayor shares his recollections of the man he called a friend, and how they shared a mutual deep-seated distrust and hatred of the "Jew-run government."
If you want to know how people like Frazier Glenn Miller exist in our society you don't have to look much further than the tacit approval of people like Don Clavenger.
via KSPR, Springfield MO.
"He was always nice and friendly and respectful of elder people, you know, he respected his elders greatly. As long as they were the same color as him," laughed Clevenger. "Very fair and honest and never had a bit of problems out of him."
The two even agreed on some things.
"Kind of agreed with him on some things but, I don't like to express that too much," said Clevenger.
That hasn't always been the case. Nearly a decade ago, Clevenger wrote a letter to the editor of the Aurora Advertiser.
"I am a friend of Frazier Miller helping to spread his warnings," wrote Clevenger. "The Jew-run medical industry has succeeded in destroying the United State's workforce."
The letter continued.
"Made a few Jews rich by killin' us off."
He also spoke of the "Jew-run government backed banking industry turned the U.S into the world's largest debtor nation."
Years later, Clevenger's views haven't seemed to change.
"There some things that are going on in this country that are destroying us. We've got a false economy and it's, some of those corporations are run by Jews because the names are there," he said. "The fact that the Federal Reserve prints up phony money and freely hands it out, I think that's completely wrong. The people that run the Federal Reserve, they're Jewish."