O'Reilly Says He Wants To Beat Up Mayor De Blasio At Catholic Fundraiser

Fox's Bill O'Reilly told the audience at a Catholic Fundraiser this Thursday that he wants to beat up New York Mayor Bill de Blasio for demonizing the wealthy.

This doesn't seem very Christ-like to me. It appears the pundits over at Faux "news" weren't content to merely trash New York Mayor Bill de Blasio while they were on the air. They had to do it at a charity event as well: Bill O’Reilly at Catholic Fundraiser: I Want to Beat Up De Blasio

Bill O’Reilly wants to pummel the mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio, for demonizing the wealthy. “I want to beat him up,” the Fox News anchor said of Hizzoner. (You can hear the audio above.) O’Reilly revealed his violent wish at a Thursday fundraiser for the Church of Saint Mary, a Catholic parish and K-12 school in the Long Island hamlet of Manhasset. As the Bible says: The rich will inherit the Earth.

O’Reilly, along with Fox colleagues Megyn Kelly and Brian Kilmeade, appeared before an audience of 2,000 at Long Island University’s Greenvale campus. After delivering their individual speeches, all three personalities gathered on stage for a combined Q&A session. Billed as an “inside-baseball” look at cable news, the 30-minute forum quickly devolved into a rolling pro-Fox rant, complete with references to Benghazi, accusations of anti-Christian media bias, and complaints about America’s growing moocher class.

Even Kelly—who claims she is “not a political person”—joined O’Reilly in slamming Mayor de Blasio for supposedly enabling the takers over the makers.

The hysterics began when Brian Kilmeade read aloud a pre-selected audience question: Have we reached the point where there are more people on the free ride—for example, the people on the free ride getting welfare—than those who are actually working for a living?

After describing his upbringing in Levittown, New York, O’Reilly answered: “Today, a lot of Americans, you know, Hey, gimme gimme gimme, you know, they’re not willing to pay the price to succeed. It’s growing, I’m hoping we can reverse that, but it’s growing.”

Then the question turned to Kelly, who agreed with O’Reilly. After describing her own upbringing and her father’s early death, she explained:

Kelly: I don’t personally know the people who think somebody else should support them. Everybody I know works hard, and has come from a family who works hard.

O’Reilly: I want to introduce you to de Blasio. [Applause]Kelly: The thing is, you work so hard, and you finally start earning some money, and you have people like de Blasio telling you you’re not paying your fair share, that you’re somehow bad, that you need to pay more, and you haven’t earned it.

O’Reilly: I want to beat him up. [Applause]

Kilmeade: Give him a little Levittown!

While Fox is notoriously secretive about anchors’ compensation, O’Reilly, Kelly, and Kilmeade all earn seven-figure salaries.

They've got lots more where that came from, so go read the rest.


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