Rick Perry's Lawyered Up
The only reason this isn’t drawing as much attention as the Christie deal is that nobody – including coyotes – takes Rick Perry seriously any more.
Well, lookie who is lawyering up! Rick Perry, that’s who.
Gov. Rick Perry has retained a high-profile Austin defense lawyer to represent him in a criminal investigation into whether he illegally withheld money from the Travis County district attorney’s office, the American-Statesman and KVUE-TV confirmed Sunday.
Rick, Darlin’, Matlock couldn’t get you off.
You can check some background here, but it appears that Governor Perry might be in some manner of trouble and whatnot over threatening a public official when he got all “Me jogger. You Coyote” on District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg.
The bottom line is that Perry threatened to withhold funding from the DA’s office unless the Lehmberg resigned. And, yes, that is a whole lot like what Chris Christie threatened to do with withholding Sandy relief funding, but poor dumb Rick didn’t get somebody to do the threatening for him under the table. Nope, this cowboy drew a crowd and threatened her on the steps of the capitol and in the damn newspaper. He is that macho and dumb.
Honey, be kind to both Christie and Perry because they can’t help it. It is some kind of strange chemical reaction between testosterone and Axe Body Spray that causes them to act that way
The only reason this isn’t drawing as much attention as the Christie deal is that nobody – including coyotes – takes Rick Perry seriously any more.