Watch Fox Host Shut Down Dem Mentioning Bundy After Network Goes Silent On 'Negro' Remarks

Fox News spent most of the day on Thursday avoiding the topic of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy after his racist remarks were revealed -- and host Gretchen Carlson wasn't about to let Democratic strategist Joe Trippi break the news to loyal viewers.

Fox News spent most of the day on Thursday avoiding the topic of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy after his racist remarks were revealed -- and host Gretchen Carlson wasn't about to let Democratic strategist Joe Trippi break the news to loyal viewers.

The New York Times reported on Wednesday that Bundy had recently held a press conference to blast the federal government for requiring him to pay grazing fees, but it was his comments about "the negro" and slavery that most likely shut down Fox News' favorable, non-stop coverage of the rancher.

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” Bundy had said, before ranting about how African-Americans might have been better off as slaves.

And then for nine hours on Thursday, Bundy's name was not mentioned on Fox News.

Until Joe Trippi was invited to participate in a segment slamming President Barack Obama for not approving the Keystone XL pipeline fast enough.

Trippi pointed out that delays in approving the pipeline were connected to a court case in Nebraska.

"And the same people, by the way, who argue about Bundy ranch that the feds are coming in..." was all that Trippi could say before being cut off by Carlson.

"Alright, let's not bring that into this discussion," she said reflexively. "I don't want to bring that into this discussion!"

At that point, she turned to the conservative guest to get the segment back on track.

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