Bachmann Fearmongers About 'Eugenics' To Oppose The National Women's History Museum
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) on Wednesday opposed the National Women's History Museum by connecting it to "eugenics" and same-sex marriage.
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) on Wednesday opposed the National Women's History Museum by connecting it to "eugenics" and same-sex marriage.
During a House debate on whether or not Congress should appoint a commission to study how to move forward with building the National Women's History Museum, Bachmann stood up and urged her colleagues to vote against the measure.
"I rise today in opposition to this bill because I believe ultimately this museum -- that will be built on the National Mall on federal land -- will enshrine the radical feminist movement that stands against the pro-life movement, the pro-family movement and the pro-traditional marriage movement," she announced.
Bachmann argued that not even an exhibit featuring her own family would not be enough to overcome the "bias toward women who embrace liberal ideology" and "radical feminism."
"Among the most troubling examples is the museum's glowing review of the woman who embraced [the] eugenics movement in the United States, Margaret Sanger," the Minnesota Republican explained. "She's an abortion trailblazer, and she is the founder of Planned Parenthood, which this body has sought to defund."
"Yet, the museum glosses over Margaret Sanger's avid support for sterilization of women and abortion, and for the elimination of chosen ethic groups, particularly African-Americans, and classes of people."
Fact-checking organizations, however, have repeatedly debunked the conservative myth that Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger, had created the organization as part of an African-American genocide plot.