Cenk Uygur's Righteous Rant Against GOP And Fox News Benghazi Overkill

Young Turks' Cenk Uygur has had just about enough of this Benghazi bullshit, thank you very much. Uygur --no fan of the Obama administration-- takes them to task in a profanity-laced tirade for cynically politicizing a tragedy, while ignoring far more egregious problems. NSFW, of course.

Sometimes it's just best to vent and let it all out at once rather than hold it in any longer. Cenk Uygur did just that yesterday on The Young Turks, as their panel discussed the current raft of events that Republicans and their media have created, all seemingly with an aim to derail the anticipated candidacy of Hillary Clinton for president. As Uygur and others have noted, the current overkill is way out of all proportion, but when you control the House of Representatives and have subpoena power with a moral reprobate like Darrel Issa in charge, and have your own cable news network in Fox, it's possible to push whatever agenda you deem necessary to win. (The ends justify the means.) That's, in Uygur's view, the situation here: blatant politicalization of a tragic event for cynical, partisan ends, all the while completely ignoring other over-riding current concerns, deficiencies in the Obama administration (again, Uygur's and others views), from net neutrality, to drones, to warrantless wiretaps, and so on.

Uygur has had enough of all that, and said so.

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