Dear Joe The Pretend Plumber: You Are A Joke, Not A Moral Leader
Are we clear on the non-relevance of this right-wing clown?

Samuel Wurzelbacher, aka Joe The Plumber, felt moved to pen an open letter to the families of the UCSB mass killing. I'm not sure exactly what made him think anyone was looking to him for moral guidance on the issue (could it be the teabagging nut jobs who keep him on low-rated talk radio?). Or maybe it's that he has both a penis (we'll have to take his word for it) and a gun.
Always with the guns. Can you say "compensation"? I knew you could:
I am sorry you lost your child. I myself have a son and daughter and the one thing I never want to go through, is what you are going through now. But:
As harsh as this sounds – your dead kids don't trump my Constitutional rights.
Richard Martinez, whose son (Christopher) was among the murdered, choked back tears at a news conference, blaming politicians the next day: "The talk about gun rights. What about Chris' right to live?" Martinez said – and much more...
But the words and images of Mr. Martinez blaming "the proliferation of guns", lobbyists, politicians, etc.; will be exploited by gun-grab extremists as are all tragedies involving gun violence and the mentally ill by the anti-Second Amendment Left...
We still have the Right to Bear Arms and I intend to continue to speak out for that right, and against those who would restrict it – even in the face of this horrible incident by this sad and insane individual. I almost said "Obama Voter" but I'm waiting for it to be official...
In conclusion, I cannot begin to imagine the pain you are going through, having had your child taken away from you. However, any feelings you have toward my rights being taken away from me, lose those.
They all skip that "well-regulated militia" part, don't they?
All those sons and daughters, dead on the ground, and this is all this empty-headed fucknozzle has to offer. Blah, blah, blah. Another hero of those just as empty-headed as he is.
As the nuns used to say, "Empty barrels make the most noise."