Eric Cantor Booed, Heckled By Tea Partiers In His Home District

Any sign that Cantor’s support has slipped among the region’s most active Republicans could spell a tougher challenge during next month’s election.

Via Liberaland:

A meeting we held to elect a new committee chairman for Virginia’s 7th District, and Eric Cantor’s candidate, Linwood Cobb,  lost to the Tea Party’s Fred Gruber. It not Cantor’s day.

Tea party activists touted Gruber’s victory as a bellwether of the showdown between Cantor and his primary rival, Dave Brat. An economics professor at Randolph-Macon College, Brat is challenging Cantor from the right, picking up endorsements from a number of conservative groups. As Politico reported last month, Cantor’s camp has taken the challenge seriously despite Brat’s slim chance of victory.

The Washi...

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