Fiorina Blames Liberals Using Women As 'Political Cudgel' For Abramson Firing

Leave it to former HP CEO and McCain spokeswoman Carly Fiorina to somehow manage to blame liberalism for the New York Times firing their executive editor, Jill Abramson.

I don't know why anyone would consider former failed senate candidate, McCain campaign flack and CEO Carly Fiorina an expert on anything, whether it's women's issues, or the economy, or the firing of the New York Times' executive editor Jill Abramson, but once again, no amount of failure by someone on the right ever seems to be enough to stop them from being invited onto these Sunday talk shows.

Here she is on this week's Meet the Press, somehow managing to find a way to blame liberal political correctness for the Abramson firing, and without an ounce of push back from host David Gregory, of course.

GREGORY: Alright, but very quickly Carly, in terms of what women face in leadership in these situations, do you think it's going to change? Do you think it's going to be...

FIORINA: Well, it is changing. Clearly, it is changing. We see more women in positions of leadership. When I became the CEO of Hewlett Packard I was one out of the Fortune 50. We now have twelve. Clearly things are getting better, and yet women remain the most subjugated people on the face of the earth. Dynamics around women are different. Women remain an underutilized resource.

And may I just say that politics is part of the problem here. When liberals use women as a political cudgel, when they basically say if you don't support our liberal orthodoxy on all of these issues, you're waging a war on women, that's disrespectful to women.

We are half of this great nation. Every issue is a woman's issue, and our opinions are as diverse as men, but the dynamics around women remain different than the dynamics around men. New York Times exhibit A.

Yes, we all know the real problem is those who are pointing out the harmful policies and not those who are implementing them. This schtick never seems to get old from those on the right.


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