Fox's Cavuto And Laffer Celebrate 50 Year Anniversary Of LBJ's Great Society Speech By Attacking Minimum Wage

Fox regular Art Laffer calls raising the minimum wage "anti-poor" during a discussion where he and Neil Cavuto attack LBJ for his Great Society speech.

Once again it's upside down world over at Faux "news." Only in right-wing world is President Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society speech mocked and scorned the way it was in the segment above from Fox's Your World with Neil Cavuto -- and only only in right-wing world is the guy who scribbled some bulls**t on a napkin for Cheney and Rumsfeld considered an expert on economics.

After spending some time jeering at Johnson's speech, and claiming that all of his anti-poverty programs have failed, and showing a bunch of charts on what those programs cost when they were first started compared to today, Laffer decided to jump the shark and claimed that raising the minimum wage is actually "anti-poor.'

CAVUTO: How do you know, and you were working for Ronald Reagan, of course, he had to counter the accusations by Jimmy Carter and Democrats in general that he was heartless, that he was all about ripping foundations for the poor. Ronald Reagan did argue that this was all about lifting opportunities up, being less reliant on the government.

They countered and a lot of Republicans fear today, they don't want to be on record as saying we're going to tear programs away from the poor. So how do they find a proper middle ground? When it comes to restoring Medicare, a lot of them like Medicare. They like it. What do you do?

LAFFER: Well, let's just go back to Jack Kennedy, who no one would consider to be heartless, when he said that the best form of welfare is still a good high paying job. Growth is the answer to the Democrats, to this French guy Piketty. Growth is the answer to these problems Neil.

I mean, no American is ever made better off by trying to pull all Americans down and we're all made better off whenever any one of us is made better off and now you'll recognize a rising tide lifts all boats.

CAVUTO: But if you're one of the beneficiaries of those various programs, you're less inclined to support the guy who's going to take them away.

LAFFER: I don't think that's true. I don't think people are proud to live on welfare. I think they'd much rather have a good high paying job and I'm really surprised that people, I mean in the Republican, say Romney, wanting to raise the minimum wage, I mean, that's really anti-poor and I just don't know why they do it.

We all want to raise the wage, but not a legal minimum wage. Why not have a $30 wage because you have so many people in unemployed and growth is so high? That's what we all want.

Sorry pal, but we all are onto what you actually want, which is a race to the bottom and slave wages for American workers. You could care less if we've got a middle class left in America as long as the pockets of whoever is writing your paychecks continues to get lined.

h/t Media Matters


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