Fracking Colorado: Front Range Oil & Gas Fields Emitting 3 Times More Methane Than Previously Reported

A new study has found that the levels of methane (a greenhouse gas) are three times that previously reported - 19.3 tons of methane is being pumped into the air each hour.

Via FreakOutNation:


Colorado is in the middle of a turf war – The battle between the people of Colorado versus Oil and Gas industry honchos, in state, plus Big Oil players (from Koch to Halliburton),  out to drill and frack every square inch of the state.

The battlelines are drawn and the fight against destruction is no longer just the Oil and Gas Association and its membership versus environmental activists – It has now gone mainstream and national as town and city folk, now seeing the damage done to once pristine lands, fight to ban fracking and drilling within their cities and towns.

Big Oil hate...

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