Hannity And Palin Bring Back Tired 'Death Panels' Myth To Attack Obama Over VA

Faux "news" military and foreign policy "experts" Hannity and Palin lecture President Obama over the problems at the Veterans Administration and use the scandal to bring back the "death panels" once again.

They got their pound of flesh, but you can be sure it's not going to put an end to attacks like this one. Here's Princess Dumbass of the Northwoods (h/t Charlie Pierce) and screeching Hannity from his live show at the Republican Leadership Conference last night.

From Fox's blog: Palin: Obama Shows 'Lack of Understanding' of Debt of Gratitude to Military:

"I think there's a lack of understanding on our commander-in-chief's part about what the mission of the military is, and why it is that we owe a debt of gratitude that's manifested in benefits paid to those who've already earned them," Palin said.

Palin ripped President Obama's speech to West Point cadets this week, calling it "weak," and went on to say that she doesn't think Obama believes in American exceptionalism.

"It's not that we are weak as a country, but we are so unreliable now, under Obama," Palin said. "My concern is the effect that his doctrine, his policies, his attitude, has on those who are volunteering to serve this country -- to those whom we owe a debt of gratitude."

When asked by Hannity if the VA is a "death panel" for America's veterans, Palin responded: "Isn't it ironic that those who were willing to sacrifice all, to put their life on the line to allow the freedom of choices in health care and economic decisions and everything else -- our soldiers, our airmen, our Marines -- they're the ones getting screwed by the VA."

Here's more on that from our friend Ellen at Newshounds:

But Hannity had some more hate mongering fun in mind. “Somebody I know mentioned death panels. Is the VA a death panel for many?”

Again, as if he didn’t know what Palin would say. But he used it to whip up his crowd. “How many think it’s a death panel for the VA?” This is not something Hannity just thought of but a right-wing trope seized upon as part of its effort to use the VA scandal to discredit the Affordable Care Act.

Sure enough, Palin agreed that the VA is little more than a death panel. “That is what government-run healthcare will result in,” she sniped gleefully. Then she and Hannity declared that “illegal aliens” and prisoners at Guantanamo Bay get better care than our vets.

But there’s one thing these two “patriots” seem to have missed. The VA is extremely popular with veterans.

But what would they know compared to these two experts?


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