Hannity's Benghazi Conspiracy Theories Demolished!

Lanny Davis was unusually terrific and muscular on Hannity Wednesday night as he battled Sean Hannity and conservative Stephen Hayes over Fox’s faux Benghazi scandal. Must see!

Before you get too enthused about Davis, let me point out that he is a paid contributor to Fox News who is more often interested in sucking up than in advocating for the left or Democrats.

For example, in July 2008, right after he went on the network’s payroll, Davis said, “Democrats are looking at Fox as a fair and balanced network."

On The O’Reilly Factor in 2011, he talked up George W. Bush's torture and surveillance policies in the role of killing Bin Laden – while distancing himself from them at the same time: “We have to give credit to George Bush and those that use these techniques for getting information that directly or indirectly led to the death of Osama Bin Laden. I don’t think there’s any way to deny that. I have also written doubts about violating written law against torture and we’re between a rock and a hard place. But we have to give credit where credit is due. George Bush’s enhanced interrogation techniques as well as the terrorist surveillance program – both of which I had legal doubts about – were effective.”

He also praised John McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin for V.P. in September, 2008 by saying, “She has certainly made a favorable impression on me as smart, politically savvy, tough-minded, and charming.”

However, Davis is a long-time friend and supporter of Hillary Clinton. He has decided to set up a “truth squad” outside the upcoming Benghazi hearings where, as BuzzFeed reported, “volunteers will give reporters and lawmakers fact sheets, or booklets of facts — depending on what he decides to have printed.”

None of that diminishes how excellent Davis was last night.

For example, Davis asked, “True or not?” as to whether the protests in Cairo, which the CIA said triggered the protests at Benghazi, were based on an anti-Islamic video.

Hannity started to blither, “Lanny, Lanny, stop with your aggressive ‘I love Hillary’ crap because it’s not gonna work here.”

Davis smiled and said, “Is that your answer…. personal insults, Sean?”

You may recall this was the same question Fox reporter Ed Henry dodged, too. He developed a suspicious memory lapse to avoid answering when White House spokesman Jay Carney posed it.

Later, Davis asked, “Does anyone disagree that the Cairo protests were triggered by the video?”

Of course, nobody did.

But Hannity interrupted to ask Hayes a question - and, conveniently, change the subject. When Davis refused to be silenced, Hannity said, “Lanny, I know you’re obsessed with the Clintons and you can’t control yourself. Calm down.” It was clear Hannity felt he had lost control of the segment.

Davis shot back, “I think you’re obsessed with interrupting and you can’t be polite and allow me to finish. …You can hurl your personal attack words, Sean, but tonight’s one night where when you talk over me, I’m not gonna allow you to talk over me. …You do that all the time.”

If only Davis could be as feisty and effective in his other appearances!

Enjoy this very satisfying set of smack downs!

This post originally appeared on NewsHounds.us.


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