Jay Carney Steps Down As White House Press Secretary

President Obama announced the resignation of White House Secretary Jay Carney this Friday.

It seems VA Secretary Eric Shinseki wasn't the only one leaving the White House this Friday.

Jay Carney Stepping Down As White House Press Secretary:

President Barack Obama announced Friday that White House Press Secretary Jay Carney was stepping down.

"Jay has become one of my closest friends and is a great press secretary and a great adviser," Obama said during the daily press briefing. "He has good judgement, good temperament and he's got a good heart. I'm gonna miss him a lot."

Obama said the job as press secretary had been putting strain on Carney's family. Deputy press secretary Josh Earnest will replace him, he said.

Carney thanked the President, First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden for what he called an "amazing experience" as press secretary.

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