Lynne Cheney Claims Lewinsky Vanity Fair Article Is A Political Tactic To Help Hillary

Lynne Cheney helps push the latest conspiracy theory to come out of Faux "news."

It seems former Second Lady Lynne Cheney wasn't the only one over at Faux "news" this Tuesday to be pushing their latest conspiracy theory, which is that the reason Vanity Fair decided to publish their upcoming article on Monica Lewinsky is because they secretly want to help Hillary Clinton in the upcoming presidential elections.

Because everyone knows that helping the millennials who were too young to remember Clinton derangement syndrome the first time around getting a chance to relive some of the '90's is just what the Clintons want to advance her political career. It's an evil plot, don't you know.

And don't for one minute think that there is a member of the Cheney family that was going to get face time on Fox without happily helping them with their Benghazi Derangement Syndrome as well.

From Fox's blog: Lynne Cheney: Lewinsky Vanity Fair Article Is a Political Tactic to Help Hillary:

Lynne Cheney, wife of former Vice President Dick Cheney, appeared on tonight’s "O’Reilly Factor" to discuss politics and her new book, “James Madison: A Life Reconsidered.”

Cheney discussed Benghazi and how it may affect a possible presidential run by Hillary Clinton.

“If she wants to be a leader, she needs to take responsibility for what happened on her watch,” she said, adding that the Benghazi attack is just one of many foreign policy disasters during Clinton’s time as secretary of state.

Cheney told guest host Laura Ingraham that the truth tends to get distorted when it comes to the Clintons.

This month, Monica Lewinsky broke her silence on her affair with former President Bill Clinton in a Vanity Fair article.

Cheney wondered if the article was an effort by the Clintons to get the story out of the way before the 2016 election. “Would Vanity Fair publish anything about Monica Lewinsky that Hillary Clinton didn’t want in Vanity Fair?” she theorized.

She also took up for poor old picked on Condi who cancelled her appearance at Rutgers due to protests. Cheney accused the school of being "ideologically intolerant" and said it's "usually commandeered by professors and then students who follow along like a bunch of lemmings." Because we all know that none of those students who didn't want Rice there can think for themselves.

Every time I see this woman on the air, I'm reminded of that fact that her daughter didn't just inherit her evil genes from her father.


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