Peter King Wants Us To Believe Snowden's Lying About NSA Spying

Peter King still lives in the past -- when we didn't know what the NSA was doing.

Rep. Peter King was crying crocodile tears on Morning Joe today. Brian Williams just wasn't mean enough when he interviewed Edward Snowden, and didn't insist on evidence that the NSA was breaking the law. Gee, Pete, you're really trying to lock the barn door after the horse is out! Via Mediaite:

“He did not give one example to justify what he did,” King said. “He did not show how one American had his rights violated, how in any way the NSA listened to anyone’s conversation that was not approved by a court order, how they read anyone’s e-mail. None of that. He was talking about all the things they could do, which any intelligence agency in the world could do. The difference is the United States is monitored by the courts, Congress, and the Justice Department.”

“I think this guy is a fraud,” King said. “And I really wish that Brian Williams had gone after him and asked him to give one piece of evidence that shows the NSA has violated the law in any way.”

Really, Pete? Really? Did you think we all slept through this?

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