Sarah Palin Uses Problems At VA As An Excuse To Call President Obama Lazy
Can you hear the dog whistles? Reality television star and former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin used the recent troubles at the VA as an excuse to call President Obama lazy.
Princess Dumbass Of The Northwoods (h/t Charlie Pierce) was back at it again with the name calling on this Wednesday's edition of Hannity of Faux "news," using the recent problems at the VA as an excuse to call our first black president "lazy" -- which is quite ironic coming from the woman who decided to quit her job during her term as governor of Alaska.
No matter though, because no amount of bad behavior or the fact that you've proven time and time again that no one should care about your opinion is going to keep you off of Fox if you're willing to come on the air and throw stones at the Kenyan, Marxist, Socialist, Communist usurper.
After first continuing her whine about how terribly she was treated when she ran with McCain because people were asking about her medical records, and helping Hannity to pretend that liberals are actually the ones waging a "war on women," Palin proceeded with her attack on the president.
From Fox's blog: ‘Barack Obama Is Lazy’: Palin Sounds Off on Admin’s Response to Scandals:
Palin also touched on the VA scandal, saying that President Barack Obama was told six years ago about issues within the VA. However, he has just been “engaging in rhetoric about problems of those under his charge.”
Hannity asked Palin why she thinks that Obama does not hold people accountable, citing Kathleen Sebelius and Eric Shinseki.
“When you hold someone accountable, it takes energy and resource, and Barack Obama is lazy. In fact, he warned us that he was lazy, and he attributed that to having been brought up in Hawaii. It’s his words, not mine. And, another thing is that Barack Obama still doesn’t see what the main problem is. This main problem is government. It’s not the solution like Ronald Reagan said, it’s the problem.
"His words and not mine" huh? Sorry Snow Snooki, but you own them now.