Sean Hannity: Lazy Pope Francis Doesn’t Understand The Virtues Of Hard Work (Audio)

“And it’s like now we’re creating the resentment of those who get up, make decisions, they go to school, they develop marketable skills, they decide to work, they make intelligent decisions . . . and now, all of a sudden, they’re being hated,” Hannity said

Via Americans Against The Tea Party:

It’s opposite day again on Sean Hannity’s show, and he’s going to let us know that anyone who has money worked really, really hard for it — and that the Pope doesn’t understand the virtues of hard work.

“And it’s like now we’re creating the resentment of those who get up, make decisions, they go to school, they develop marketable skills, they decide to work, they make intelligent decisions . . . and now, all of a sudden, they’re being hated,” Hannity said on his radio show, discussing the drive for income redistribution. “And they’re being called greedy, and selfish. And they’re now bein...

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