Arizona Schools Superintendent Huppenthal Outed As Serial Internet Troll

(AZCentral) The Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction finally admitted on Wednesday to making a series of controversial postings dating back to 2011, which included calling people who receive public assistance "lazy pigs".

Gee, who wouldn't want this guy as the head of their school system? Apparently the good people of Arizona are fine with it, as Huppenthal will likely be re-elected.

Arizona Central

Some of John Huppenthal's statements have been harsh. They have called people who receive public assistance "lazy pigs" and compared the work of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger to the actions of the Nazis.

John Huppenthal has used the names "Falcon9" and "Thucydides" on conservative blogs.
Huppenthal is running for re-election.

"I sincerely regret if my comments have offended anyone," Huppenthal said.

We likened welfare recipients to "lazy pigs."

He blamed the Great Depression on Franklin D. Roosevelt and said FDR's economic policies gave rise to Hitler.

He said Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger was responsible for feeding 16 million African-Americans into abortion mills.

He is state schools Superintendent John Huppenthal, and he admitted Wednesday that he made those comments, along with hundreds of more mundane musings, in anonymous posts on political blogs.

The comments, under various pseudonyms including Falcon9 and Thucydides, have been appearing since 2011.

Writers for the Democratic Blog for Arizona have been suggesting for several months that all signs pointed to Huppenthal as the author. Huppenthal remained silent on the accusation until Wednesday, when he spoke exclusively to The Arizona Republic.

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