Cavuto Gets Into Shouting Match With Bachmann Over Boehner Lawsuit And Threat To Defund Executive Branch
So, just how crazy do you have to be to in order be too crazy for Fox's Neil Cavuto? This crazy...
We've finally found out just how nuts you have to be for the talking heads at Faux "news" to think you've gone too far. Rep. Crazy-Eyes Michele Bachmann appeared on Neil Cavuto's show this Wednesday afternoon and attempted to defend House Speaker John Boehner's announcement that he intends to sue the Obama administration over executive orders. The interview ended up devolving into a shouting match with Cavuto cutting Bachmann's mic as he went to commercial.
Here's more from TPM: Cavuto, Bachmann Get Into Epic Shouting Match Over Boehner Lawsuit:
Cavuto asked Bachmann if the outrage over executive actions is just a "political football" that one party uses against the other.
"Has the President overreached with his power? Absolutely, he has. What are the tools available to the United States Congress to help enforce the separation of powers doctrine? In other words, the Constitution is a stop sign for the President as it is for the Congress, as it is for the Supreme Court," Bachmann responded.
But Cavuto pressed Bachmann on why the House is just now bringing the lawsuit and suggested taking the President to court would be a fruitless effort.
"Why not just fix things that are very, very wrong now rather than dragging someone to court over whether they overstepped their bounds? It just seems to me like an enormous waste of effort," he said.
"This could drag on for months, and we may not get anywhere," Bachmann admitted. "Again, it reflects the frustration of the American people and rightfully so."
Cavuto continued to press Bachmann, asking her why she hadn't already filed a lawsuit.
"Criminy, give me a second and I will tell you," she exclaimed.
The shouting between the two took a turn for the worst when Bachmann called for Congress to defund Obama.
"What we should do right now is defund the executive branch when we have the option," she said. "Cut it. Make it hurt. Because if they don't have money, they won't have power." [...]
After some more back and forth, Bachmann again surfaced her idea to defund the executive branch.
"Defund? Think about what you're saying," Cavuto responded. "Defund the executive branch. Congresswoman! If Democrats had said we're going to defund President Bush, you would have laughed them out. So you should have been. Acting Democrats would be in their right mind to laugh you out now."
Bachmann was then cut off by a commercial break, for which Cavuto apologized when he returned. Read on...