C&L's Late Nite Music Club With Fito Páez

Considering that the world cup finals are starting up pretty soon, I figured that tonight's Music Club would feature some music from the country I'll be rooting for.

That country is, of course, Argentina. Why Argentina, you ask? Well, for one, my girlfriend is Argentinian and I don't have much of a choice in the matter. That's about it, but it's the first year I've actually been excited about it, so I don't mind. All that aside, Al Lado del Camino is a beautiful song with a lot of autobiographical elements about Fito's life mixed in with some social commentary. This is one that I'd recommend taking a look at the lyrics for; they're very poetic and complement the music in a way that blends the two elements into a unique work of art.

Got any favorite songs in Spanish?

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