Fox's Shep Smith Rebuts His Network's Rush To Judge Bowe Bergdahl

It seems there is still one sane person working for Faux "news."

Fox's Shepard Smith went off of the reservation this Tuesday and rebutted a lot of the hysteria and rush to judgement over the prisoner swap for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl by Fox and the other networks following their lead.

Media Matters put together a really good mashup which you can watch above: Watch: Shep Smith Rebuts Fox News' Rush To Judge Bowe Bergdahl:

Many Fox News hosts and pundits rushed to brand recently released Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl as a deserter and a traitor, but Shepard Smith took a different line by saying he was "disgusted" by the rush to judgment, cautioning that Bergdahl is innocent until proven guilty. [...]

On the June 3 edition of Shepard Smith Reporting, host Smith took umbrage at the reporting, saying, "If you desert or commit treason, you have to be proved to have done so. We can't just decide because some people come on television and yakety yak, and we've got a report of this and a report of that and that's what happened. As the Army said, as the Pentagon said, you bring them home. You bring them home first, and then you investigate."

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