Fox's Tamara Holder Blasts Brigitte Gabriel For Spewing Anti-Muslim Hatred

Fox regular Tamara Holder with one of the very few moments where we had some push back to the network's extremely ugly week of anti-Islam vitriol and hatred.

As we discussed here, The Heritage Foundation started things rolling with their panel of xenophobic anti-Muslim extremists at the beginning of last week, and Faux "news" courtesy of Sean Hannity made sure it did nothing but go downhill from there.

Hannity brought on Muslim student Saba Ahmed this Thursday, who found out the hard way what happens to you if you dare to ask a question they don't like at the Heritage event -- and then you agree to go on Fox with Sean Hannity -- and let wingnut Brigitte Gabriel have another shot at her.

He followed things up on Friday with an entire panel chock-full of more wingnuts, neocons and Islamophobes, but there was one small bright spot during that show when Fox regular Tamara Holder actually called out Gabriel for her hateful and dangerous rhetoric.

From Fox's blog: 'You're Dangerous!': Sparks Fly Between 'Hannity' Panel on Radical Islam:

Things quickly escalated when Fox News contributor Tamara Holder blasted Act for America President Brigitte Gabriel as the “most dangerous person in society.”

“To say things like moderate Muslims are ‘supposedly’ not terrorists, ‘supposedly’ are not dangerous – the majority of Muslims in this country and in this world are safe, loving people who want peace. Those Nigerian girls were Muslims as well,” Holder said.

Gabriel defended her stance, saying, “I’m not saying the majority of Muslims are terrorists. […] The terrorists are only 15 to 25 percent.”

Holder shot back, saying that percentage is much lower and charged Gabriel with spewing hate.

Needless to say, Hannity made sure Holder did not get another chance to speak for the rest of the hour. What followed was even more ugliness by one of their other panel members, FrontPage Magazine's Jamie Glazov.:

Hannity's panel of "experts" also heaped attack upon attack on Muslims (a handful pushed back on the claims). Pamela Geller, a noted anti-Islam activist, claimed that moderate Muslims "don't have a theological leg to stand on" and suggested that many secretly "support jihad." Jamie Glazov, editor of FrontPage Magazine, suggested Muslims are "sociopaths":

GLAZOV: You're a very dangerous person because these are heroes standing up for the victims of Islam! And let me tell you, I study how sociopaths behave, how psychopaths behave. We see this in the unholy alliance right now with the left and Islam.

What they do is when the -- a vicious ideology, totalitarian ideology, attacks us and we're victims, what these people do is they make the perpetrator the victim and the victim the perpetrator!

The special reached a low point when Glazov told Mike Ghouse, himself a Muslim American, "you are enabling jihad and your hands are soaked in the blood of victims of Islam":

Check out the rest of their post for more on Fox's disgusting coverage and for more video if you've got the stomach for it: How Fox News Has A Conversation About Islam


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