Jon Stewart Rips Open Carry Groups In Texas, Someone Could Respond With ‘deadly Force’

Stewart said, “We are at the intersection of Open Carry Road and ‘Stand Your Ground’ Place. Here’s where we are. So what the f*ck are we supposed to do now?"

Via FreakOutNation:

Jon Stewart relentlessly mocked “gun nuts” over at the National Rifle Association for backing out of their statement that said the Open Carry groups in Texas bringing rifles into restaurants was “weird.” Open Carry Texas  threatened to rip up their NRA membership cards and the NRA promptly bent over and reversed course.

Stewart said if the Open Carry groups were “sitting on a bunker full of assault rifles, why did they choose to make their point with scissors?””Wow” he said, “Everyone’s scared of gun nuts — even other gun nuts,”







Stewart ref...

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