Jon Stewart Suggests Reparative Therapy For Texas Republicans

"It won't cure you, but do it anyway!"

Via HappyNiceTimePeople, Jon Stewart takes a good look at conservative "reparative therapy" -- or voodoo, as I call it:

Jon Stewart is all up on the weird move by the Texas Republican party to endorse “reparative therapy” for homosexxicans, even though the alleged therapy has been widely discredited. He also has fun with Rick Perry’s dumb idea that if alcoholics can overcome their addiction, then by golly, so can the gays. It’s really remarkably similar, after all. You know, says Stewart, it’s all about public safety:

“You’re worried a gay person, they’ll be out, they won’t be able to stop at one cock, and then after having too many cocks, get into their gaymobile and rear-end somebody? Is that what you’re worried about?”

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