Karl Rove Continues To Conflate Birth Control With Abortion

Bush's brain is back at it again, conflating the morning after pill with abortion following this Monday's Hobby Lobby ruling.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Faux "news" contributor and former Bush chief of staff Karl Rove was shamelessly conflating the morning after and other methods of birth control with abortion on Fox a couple of years ago.

He was back at it again this Monday following the Supreme Court's ruling in the Hobby Lobby case with host Martha MacCallum, telling her how terrible this is going to be for Democrats because it doesn't poll well when people are asked if someone should be forced to pay for an "abortion causing drug."

Of course what Turdblossom and MacCallum failed to tell the audience is that the morning after pill and other methods of birth control the court ruled on today do not cause abortions.

If you discuss the issue honestly, even most Catholics believe birth control is morally acceptable, and most women, no matter what their religious beliefs, use some form of birth control.

Sadly the members of our Supreme Court aren't any better than Rove here when it comes to denying science.

h/t Media Matters

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