Lindsey Graham Thanks Obama For 'Keeping Benghazi Alive' With Bergdahl Prisoner Swap

Sen. Lindsey Graham does his best to use the Bergdahl prisoner exchange as an excuse to keep their other scandal mongering alive.

Sen. Lindsey Graham wasn't willing to repeat his statement that Republicans would be calling to impeach President Obama if he were to release any more prisoners from our facility at Guantanamo Bay, but he did tell Fox host Mike Huckabee that he'd be facing backlash from both parties and that there would be a "Constitutional crisis" were he to try to empty out the prison without Congressional approval.

Graham was more than willing to continue to fearmonger over how dangerous it would supposedly be for America to close the prison down, and over freeing the five Taliban members in exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. Be afraid! Be very afraid everybody, because we all know that none of these guys ever wanted to capture or kill Americans until that terrorist-loving Kenyan usurper in the White House let the "Taliban Dream Team" go free.

And leave it to Goober Graham to manage to take this latest fake scandal of theirs and roll it right into one their other recent fake scandals... BENGHAZI!!!!!

GRAHAM: This is a very bad deal for America and this is the same president who embraces never leaving anybody behind, but never picked up the phone during the night of the Benghazi attack to call for help in Libya and was virtually AWOL.

So I want to thank him for keeping Benghazi alive.

So it's the president who is keeping your fake Benghazi outrage alive. Sure he is pal.

Graham was adamant that he didn't want to see Sgt. Bergdahl tried in the court of public opinion or the media, while simultaneously doing his best to help assure that both of those things happen. And he'd like to see Gitmo stay open forever and for all the prisoners to die there. God knows we can't put them on trial, or we might have to talk about the fact that we tortured them.

We all know what this is really about, which is any excuse to keep the rubes whipped up into a state of perpetual outrage so they turn out to vote in November, because that's all they've got. Graham sure as hell can't talk about the Republicans and their record when it comes to anything other than obstruction and looking out for the 1 percent. Faux "news" and HuckaJesus are always more than happy to oblige.


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