Over $42,000 So Far In Donations For Student’s Future Who Stopped The Seattle Campus Shooter
When the Internet found out Jon Meiss is getting married, people flocked to wedding registries the hero and his fiancee had set up at Target and Crate & Barrel, and began buying gifts for the couple.

Via FreakOutNation:
A 22-year-old student saved the day on Thursday after a gunman opened fire at Seattle Pacific University. Jon Meiss pepper sprayed the gunman, then wrestled him to the ground before he could reload. When the Internet found out Meiss is getting married, people flocked to wedding registries the hero and his fiancee had set up at Target and Crate & Barrel, and began buying gifts for the couple.
Not only that, but a GofundMe account was set up by ESPN Seattle producer Jssamyn MacIntyreo to raise $5,000 for their ‘honeymoon a...