South Dakota Republican Party Passes Resolution Calling For Obama's Impeachment
The South Dakota Republican Party passed a resolution calling for the impeachment of President Barack Obama at their state convention this Saturday.

So, who wants to take a guess at what else is in this "thick book on impeachable offenses of the president" that the sponsor of this nonsense claims he has? Being born in Kenya? ACORN stealing the election for him? Being president while black?
If the Republicans in South Dakota really want to impeach President Obama, I say by all means, by all means feel free to encourage your U.S. House members to do that just before the midterm elections so we can see how that works out for you. Please proceed wingnuts.
S.D. Republican Party calls for Obama impeachment:
The South Dakota Republican Party state convention passed a resolution calling for the impeachment of President Barack Obama Saturday.
The resolution says Obama has "violated his oath of office in numerous ways." It specifically cites the release of five Taliban combatants in a trade for captive U.S. soldier Bowe Bergdahl, Obama's statement that people could keep insurance companies, and recent EPA regulations on power plants.
"Therefore, be it resolved that the South Dakota Republican Party calls on our U.S. Representatives to initiate impeachment proceedings against the president of the United States," the resolution reads.
Allen Unruh of Sioux Falls sponsored the resolution.
"I've got a thick book on impeachable offenses of the president," Unruh said, calling on South Dakota to "send a symbolic message that liberty shall be the law of the land."
Delegates voted 191-176 in favor of the resolution. The Pennington County delegation voted 47-9 in favor of the impeachment resolution, and Minnehaha County voted 28-15 in favor. Read on...
The article goes on to describe their lone House member, Rep. Kristi Noem, as being "cool to the resolution" and pointing out that it's a massive waste of time. No mention of her daring to tell any of them that they're out of their gourd if they really believe that President Obama should be impeached for the Bergdahl prisoner swap, saying people could keep their insurance, or EPA regulations.