Video: Open Carry Activist’s Encounter With Cops, Literally Waves His Penis, Talks Of A Revolution

It ended well for Houseman, but probably not the pubic at large. He was able to get his rifle back the next day in order to prepare for the ‘revolution.’

Via FreakOutNation:

Police reports and recordings show a tense 40-minute encounter with a belligerent, rifle-toting man, who seems to like to literally wave his penis around while holding his gun in Michigan. I guess waving the Gadsden flag is out now.

The records show that in May, Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety officers responded to multiple reports of a man, possibly intoxicated, carrying a rifle. You see, in spite of what Open Carry Texas members feel, the public is typically unnerved by the site of an asshole strutting around with a rifle.









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