Wacko Alert!
It is the Republican think tank: if it didn’t happen to them, it didn’t happen.
Okay, take a deep breath.
Remember Sandy Hook? Obama faked it.
Remarkably, we now have confirmation from an unexpected source. Paul Preston had obtained information from officials in the U.S. Department of Education of the Barack Obama administration, who confirmed to him on the basis of their own personal knowledge that:
(1) it had been a drill;
(2) no children had been killed; and,
(3) it had been done to promote an anti-gun agenda.
My friend Web lives in a small Texas town where they believe this stuff.
It is the Republican think tank: if it didn’t happen to them, it didn’t happen.
And there’s “mediums,” and Ouija boards and seances and all manner of proof.
And somebody is making money off of this. And that is happening to them.