WI Gov. Scott Walker: ‘God Has Told Me I’m Chosen To Cut Taxes And Stop Killing Babies’

Alec MacGillis in The New Republic writes “The Unelectable Whiteness of Scott Walker.” In the article, he explains why Walker will never win a national election.

WI Gov. Scott Walker: ‘God Has Told Me I’m Chosen To Cut Taxes And Stop Killing Babies’

Via Liberaland:

Alec MacGillis in The New Republic writes “The Unelectable Whiteness of Scott Walker.” In the article, he explains why Walker will never win a national election. Here are some nuggets:

…by the time Walker arrived at Marquette, the Jesuit university in Milwaukee, he was describing himself as a missionary for the conservative cause. “He would literally say, . . . ‘God has told me I’m chosen to cut taxes and stop killing babies,’ even in casual conversation,” recalls Glen Barry, a classmate who went on to become a well-known environmentalist. On occasion, Walker would compare himself to the Re...

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