Fox Pundits Very Upset Democrats Have Teachers Going Door To Door For 2014 Midterms
The talking heads on Fox's Bulls & Bears are very upset that there are teachers they can't demonize as evil union thugs going door to door for the midterm elections. The horror!
The yappers over at Faux "news" are very upset that the Democrats have teachers knocking on doors for the midterm elections because they might not be able to paint them as the stereotypical union thug as they're used to getting away with week after week on their network. How terrible it is that people might look at them as actual human beings and not someone to kick to the curb and actually listen to what they have to say.
Bulls & Bears host Brenda Butter started things off with regular John Layfield, who went right after the teachers for heaven forbid, exercising their right to participate in politics, pretended that this is somehow going to take away from them having time to do their jobs, and he laid all of the problems with our educational system on the backs of the teachers' unions.
BUTTNER: Knock, knock. Who's there? Big labor. No, this is not a joke. A major teacher's union is sending out an army of its members this summer to knock on doors to reelect liberals this fall and also win support for their “big labor” agenda.
John, you say we should all take notice. Should teacher's be doing this?
LAYFIELD: No they shouldn't. Look, you have a person show up at your door and they tell you they are with a political party, you will have them thrown off your doorstep, then you will fumigate your house to get rid of the stench from the politics, but if you have a third grade teacher show up at your door, you have a third grade teacher at your local middle school, you tend to listen to that person.
That is what the Democrats are trying to do to keep their unions in power, but instead of these teachers prepare for the next school season, we are ranked now 30th in math out of 65 ranked countries and we keep going lower. The reason we're losing tech jobs to China is not because of lower taxes, but because of tech engineers.
We are not growing that in our country. We're failing our kids educationally, though we do have some great teachers out there. These unions have significantly hurt our education, our kids and they're doing this just so they stay in power. I think this is a massive conflict of interest.
As opposed to all of the right wing interests that are working to gut collective bargaining and destroy the unions and what's left of our middle class. They've got the right to have their voice heard, buy air time, lie to voters and do whatever they want. You'll never hear any cries about "conflict of interests" from the likes of Layfield or the rest of them when it comes to those groups.
There was actually some push back about the fact that the teachers and their unions have every right to be doing this and that it's a very smart move politically from the Democrats to have the teachers out there, but all in all, the conversation didn't improve a whole hell of a lot from the opening. There was still plenty more union bashing to come during the rest of the segment.