Fox's Howard Kurtz Literally Begs Jon Stewart To Have Him As A Guest On The Daily Show

Fox's Howard Kurtz is still shamelessly angling for a chance to be a guest on Comedy Central.

This is nothing new for Howie Kurtz, who has used his platform at Fox's Media Buzz to get into pissing matches with both Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert to try to goad either of them into allowing him to come on as a guest on their shows.

This Sunday, Kurtz used the recent segment on The Daily Show where Stewart showed a portion of McCain's interview with Kurtz as an excuse to just straight out beg him to bring him on.

KURTZ; By the way, I did ask the senator about one such moment, why he never apologized for his misjudgement in backing the Iraq war, based on Saddam's non-existent weapons of mass destruction, and he blamed it on the case made by then Sec. of State Colin Powell.

Nor did the host of The Daily Show include my very positive observation that he's not just a late night comic but an important social critic with a strong following among young people. But did you notice how he did something very clever there?

He turned the debate into a credibility clash between him and McCain, but what about this question?


STEWART: Is Jon Stewart fair to Republicans?


KURTZ: On that, Jon Stewart side stepped, ducked, dodged, evaded, changed the subject, but if he'd ever like to take it on Jon, I'm available. Just have your people call my people.

It's bad enough that Stewart's got Bill-O on there every time you turn around. I think that's already one Fox pundit too many.


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