Holly 'Hobby Lobby' Takes Her Case To 'Fox & Friends'

Holly Fisher, aka Holly 'Hobby Lobby', complains to Fox & Friends about her mistreatment from the intolerant left on Twitter.

Seems another victim of the vast left wing conspiracy [sic] has stumbled on an opportunity to market herself on Fox News. I don't know much about Fisher except she seems to be prolific on Twitter, with her recent picture of her holding an upraised AR-15 and a bible in front of Old Glory drew guffaws for the unintentional irony of the resemblance to a suicide bomber known as the 'White Widow'.

Fisher feigned indignation for Fox & Friends, all the while unable to hide her delight at the attention, naturally.

HOLLY 'HOBBY LOBBY': “It’s shocking for me that people would compare someone who is standing in front of our flag that represents our freedom on Independence Day. I’m holding my First and Second Amendment rights in my hand and it all represents freedom, and they want to compare me to a woman who is quite the opposite. She despises everything about this country and hates this country and would kill all of us if given an opportunity. I don’t understand where the logic comes from.”
“I expected less backlash with this than I did the first one because the picture is, like, America’s founding principles. That’s all that’s in the picture. And I really didn’t think it would cause the uproar that it has.”

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