The Israeli Government Is Much Like The Texas Tea Party
The intolerant, racist talk on Rick Perry's gun boat sounds much like Netanyahu's far right ideology
Good God! We can't let these immigrant illegals near our kids, they have DISEASES. They are darker than our children, their parents are probably criminals. Sound familiar? Sadly, this exact attitude is visible on two sides of this planet, where children fleeing persecution, exploitation and extreme violence are treated like vermin in the nation in which they seek asylum. Both areas are hot spots of suffering and misery: Gaza and the U.S. Mexico border to be precise.
Consider Tel Aviv, let's call it the Austin,Texas of Israel, by far its most liberal city. Yet when Mizrah Jews (Oriental) or refugees of Eritrea or Somalia send their three to six year old children to preschool- kindergarten, they must attend modern-day-Jim Crow-Apartheid schools. The comments from parents are eerily similar to what we're hearing along Governor Perry's boat patrol route. "Some parents in the prosperous and fashionable Sheinkin area of central Tel Aviv opposed a visit from 35 black children for a joint Hanukkah at a local kindergarten.... a group of parents started a chain of racist emails, with one claiming they needed to know if the African children had been immunized in order to “protect” their own children....even radio presenters casually using the term “infiltrators” rather than refugees or asylum seekers. This is by far the most cosmopolitan city in Israel. Yet these infiltrators are portrayed much like those illegals from those other Spanish countries.
Netanyahu is the Dick Cheney of his country. Highly supported by Uncle Sheldon and the GOP, any hawkish policy he pursues is worshipped like Republican Jesus. Remember, Jerusalem must be controlled solely by the "Chosen People" in order for the newer, more selfish, segregationist Messiah to Rapture the proper followers of Ted Cruz's brand of Dominionism.
Meanwhile, protesters on our southern border with hearts made of coal are uttering the same hateful rhetoric at desperately poor children. Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX) referred to this flood of refugee children as an “invasion of our nation; there are more people coming across the border than invaded France in World War II.” Phil Gingrey (R-Ga) “Reports of illegal immigrants carrying deadly diseases such as swine flu, dengue fever, Ebola virus and tuberculosis are particularly concerning,” ... “Many of the children who are coming across the border also lack basic vaccinations such as those to prevent chicken pox or measles.” American Family Association’s Sandy Rios suggested we treat these children like lepers, even if that comment is totally irrelevant in modern-day medicine.
In Netanyahu's occupied Gaza, Palestinians are treated much like Native Americans and relegated to reservation-style misery; poverty is inescapable. In a move to prove his machismo, Rick Perry recently sent 1,000 members of the Texas National Guard to assert that far-right racism is alive and well in the Lone Star State. Unfortunately, ugly Tea Party supremacy is certainly not exclusively American.