Michelle Obama Urges Dems To Be ‘Even More’ Hungry And Passionate In 2014
First Lady Michelle Obama has recorded a video for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee urging Democrats to commit to vote in the “even harder and even closer” midterm elections.
In her video, Mrs. Obama says the president “needs leaders in Congress who will work with him” on such issues as immigration reform, raising the minimum wage, equal pay for women and women’s health care choices.
She also acknowledges that the midterms will be a tough slog for Democrats:
When it comes to the midterms elections this November, we need you to be as passionate and as hungry as you were back in 2008 and 2012. In fact, you need to be even more passionate and more hungry to get Democrats elected to Congress. Because these elections will be even harder and even closer than those presidential elections.
We’re talking about races that are won and lost by just a few thousand votes or even a few hundred votes. So today, I’m asking you to go to 1MillionVotesFor2014.com and tell me that you’re committing to vote in 2014. …Together, we want to reach one million new voter commitments by Election Day.
As U.S. News notes, turnout could be the key to the midterms and Michelle Obama, with her high approval ratings, could be the key to getting out those Democratic voters.
That website, again, is 1MillionVotesFor2014.com.