Morning Joe Crew Play 'Bridgegate' Apologists For Chris Christie
MSNBC host Joe Scarborough and former Bushie Nicolle Wallace did their best to downplay Chris Christie's Bridgegate scandal and that it won't harm his chances for 2016.
The crew over at Morning Joe have had an ongoing love affair with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie for a very long time now and it doesn't look like it's coming to an end any time soon.
Regular fixture on the show and former Bushie, Nicolle Wallace and host Joe Scarborough did their best this Wednesday to downplay any potential problems Christie may have in the 2016 presidential elections due to Bridgegate or any of the other scandals that have cropped up over the last year and to dismiss any of the other guests to dared to contradict them.
Morning Joe’s Nicolle Wallace ‘Just Saying’ Bridgegate ‘Isn’t That Bad’ For Chris Christie:
During Wednesday’s episode of Morning Joe, MSNBC contributor Nicolle Wallace tried to make the case that the scandal surrounding the bridge lane closures on the George Washington Bridge last year will not hurt New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s chances for a White House bid in 2016. Both Wallace and host Joe Scarborough pointed to conservative ads being run in Iowa regarding Christie’s judicial appointments while governor as definitive proof that Christie is the frontrunner for the GOP nomination. Any attempts at refuting Wallace’s full-throated defense of Christie were shouted down by Scarborough, who inexplicably brought up the fake IRS scandal and NSA wiretaps to further bolster the case for Christie.
As you can see, Wallace went out of her way to give the appearance that Bridgegate just does not matter to Republicans at all. In her opinion, “republicans are from Venus,’ and on Venus, this scandal has never been of any concern. In fact, it helps Christie with some Republicans because it proves that he is willing to stand up for himself and fight back against his political opponents. (Wallace tried to walk back those comments by saying she isn’t endorsing the closure of a busy bridge.) She’s “just saying” that Bridgegate “isn’t that bad” for Chris Christie. By 2016, it will not matter at all. Read on...