Palin Doubles Down On Her Impeachment Talk: Tells Congress To 'Get Going'

The quitta' from Wasilla doubled down on her call for impeachment on Sean Hannity's show this Tuesday.

To no one's surprise I'm sure, former half-term governor Sarah Palin ran straight to the loving arms of her cohort Sean Hannity over at Faux "news" for a greatly hyped "exclusive" interview, where she was allowed to double down on her demand that our members of Congress impeach President Obama right now.

All I can say is, please proceed wingnuts. By all means, please, please, please follow Palin's advice.

Here's more from Fox's blog: ‘Halt an Imperial Presidency’: Sarah Palin Wants to Impeach Obama:

Sarah Palin tonight urged Congress to impeach President Barack Obama, saying “a great awakening is due in this country.”

Palin said we must send the message that “he is not an imperial president, and lawlessness will not be accepted by the American people.”

The former Alaska governor said the tipping point for her has been this illegal immigration crisis. She said Obama and his administration are defrauding Americans with their programs and policies.

She also told Sean Hannity that experts have listed at least 25 impeachable offenses.

“I really want Congress to do its job, the constitutional power that they have to halt an imperial presidency, to halt this fundamental transformation of America that is making us an unrecognizable mess of a nation at this time,” she said.

The one tool that Congress has to halt this lawlessness, Palin said, is impeachment.

“And it’s not necessarily, Sean, a lawsuit being filed by Congress because you don’t bring a lawsuit to a gun fight. There’s no place for lawyers on the front line. Where are the front lines in America? They are our borders.”

She told Hannity, “Washington is broken. If people care about the future of this country and defense of our republic, they will join this cause of articles of impeachment against Barack Obama because enough is enough.”

While Palin said she believes in GOP principles, she said that if the Republican Party continues to stray toward the ‘liberal failed agenda,” she won’t hesitate to unenlist herself from the party.

We've heard that story before. She doesn't care what party she's affiliated with because she's never running for office again. Wingnut welfare and reality television pay a whole lot better.


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