Russell Brand Takes Apart Sean Hannity's Bullying Interview With Palestinian-American Guest

Russell Brand does an excellent job taking apart bully-boy Sean Hannity and the tactics he used when shouting a Palestinian-American guest on his show last week.

As our friend Ellen at NewsHounds discussed last week, Sean Hannity was already taken apart once for this godawful bullying interview with Palestinian-American guest Yousef Munayyer by The Young Turks' Cenk Uygur.

Is Hannity Man Enough To Defend His Bullyboy Attacks On A Palestinian-American Guest?:

On Thursday night, Sean Hannity engaged in one of his more hideous displays of bullying, browbeating and badgering. It was a segment that purported to be a debate between one of Fox’s favorite Islamophobes and a Palestinian advocate. But Hannity was interested in only one thing from his Palestinian-American guest: demonizing him as a terrorist sympathizer. Now, The Young Turks’ Cenk Uygur has challenged Hannity to a real debate on the subject. Will Hannity be man enough to accept?

It's obvious the answer to that question is "No." Ellen and Cenk have some more company this week in taking apart Hannity's over the top obnoxious interview which you can watch above: Russell Brand Takes Down Sean Hannity For 'Childish' Segment On Gaza:

Russell Brand was back Tuesday with another installment of his media-crushing YouTube channel. His latest target: Sean Hannity.

Brand tore into Hannity's recent segment, which was called "Sympathy For The Terrorists," during which Hannity shouted down guest Yousef Munayyer-- a Palestinian-American and executive director of the Jerusalem Fund. The discussion was more of a yelling fit than an interview, as Hannity repeatedly shouted, "IS HAMAS A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION?!"

Brand called Hannity's aggressive attack on his guest "childish," "rude" and "unreasonable."

"He's not interested in truth," he said. "Sean Hannity is only interested in pushing a perspective."

Brand also gave some advice to Hannity's guest, who struggled to get a word in over Hannity's shouting.

"Good luck with that mate," Brand advised. "Sean doesn't want an answer to his question. Sean wants to say more stuff while jabbing his finger aggressively."

UPDATE: Butthurt Hannity responded to Brand on his show this Wednesday and to no one's surprise, he took Brand out of context and only showed a very small portion of his criticisms of Hannity and then sat around with his panel and called him names. Geraldo was the only evenly marginally sane voice of reason on the show and Hannity went straight for his jugular as well.


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