Bill O'Reilly Uses His 'Asian Privilege' Argument As An Excuse To Attack African American Leadership
O'Reilly used his segment with Megyn Kelly on "white privilege" vs. "Asian privilege" the previous evening as an excuse to launch another angry tirade at the African American community and their leadership.
Bill O'Reilly pulled one of his usual routines after someone makes an ass out of him by lobbing a few facts in his direction -- which is to double down on the arguments he was trying to make before he had them on his show.
Anything Megyn Kelly said to him the previous night just went in one ear and right out the other, and Bill-O used their exchange as an excuse (as though he needed one) to launch into another angry tirade against the African American community and their leadership and to basically call them all a bunch of lazy moochers that don't want to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.
Here's more on his latest racist rant from Fox's blog: O’Reilly: ‘African-American Leadership in America Is Failing’:
In tonight’s Talking Points Memo, Bill O’Reilly said that there is no question that African Americans have a harder time succeeding in our society, but he said the primary reason is not skin color – it’s education.
O’Reilly discussed the success of Asian Americans, the group with the highest median income in the U.S. O’Reilly stressed that the reason is because Asian Americans often come from stable homes that emphasize education.
Only 13 percent of Asian children are in single-parent homes, compared to 55 percent of black children and 21 percent of white children. The high school graduation rate is 88 percent for Asians, 86 percent for white Americans, and 69 percent for black Americans.
“The Factor” host said that the Asian-American experience in this country historically has not been as tough as the African-American experience; slavery has harmed African Americans greatly, and that harm is still being felt today.
Still, O’Reilly said Americans must overcome obstacles they face in order to succeed in our society.
“Here is where the African-American leadership in America is failing. Instead of preaching a cultural revolution, the leadership [provides] excuses for failure. The race hustlers blame white privilege, an unfair society, a terrible country. So the message is: it’s not your fault if you abandon your children, if you become a substance abuser, if you are a criminal. No it’s not your fault, its society’s fault. That is the big lie that is keeping some African Americans from reaching their full potential.”