Chuck Todd Sets The Stage For A More Pro-GOP "Meet The Press"

Chuck Todd in his last days as Daily Rundown host seeks the "expertise" of Tennessee Republican Senator Bob Corker. Another "exit" interview is far from bipartisan.

When a Republican Senator starts a response about the November Midterms with, 'not to be too pejorative, but EVERYTHING this administration does is about elections it seems,' some particularly nasty, contrived GOP talking points are about to be regurgitated. When the Republican Senator congratulates Todd on his new Meet The Press gig and asks him to continue doing "hard news," you know he's spilling the beans on what angle the Sunday show will continue to take. Expect more of the same kowtowing to the Republican white male, who are statistically the biggest demographic featured on Meet the One Percent.

Senator Bob Corker (R-Tn) is from one of the reddest states in the union. So of course he's the perfect "expert" on what the president should do to cooperate with Congress better. It's odd he's the one Todd sought to discuss ISIS in Iraq. In 2009, Corker met with ousted Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki to try to lift sanctions against Iraq. He said

Senator Bob Corker: can't wait for Chuck Todd to take over MTP

“Our meeting with Prime Minister Maliki was positive, substantive and productive. I’m glad he is here to map out a strategic relationship with our country, and I believe we need to do everything we can to help move Iraq out from under the UN sanctions placed on it in 1991. It’s obviously a much different country now.”

Obviously that was far from true. PM al-Maliki had a tenuous grasp on stability and this led the soldiers fired by the Bush administration to happily join what is now known as ISIS. Todd asked if the gridlock in Washington will be aided by the outcome of the November midterms. Then he asked the Tennessee Republican what he thinks Congress' role should be in Iraq/Syria. Corker scolded the Obama Administration for not getting back to him on their plans and he hopes he'll go to the very cooperative Congress to decide the best actions on the ground in Syria and Iraq. You know, the even less cooperative Congress who was so adroit in planning the Iraq war in the first place.

Corker's solution is to broaden the president's authority while narrowing it at the same time. (?) The AUMF needs to be reauthorized, for the 'American people's sake,' while Congress ought to be consulted. The American people need to demand from their chosen Representative what their position is on the very nebulous group known as ISIS. President Obama, by not sharing his plans with every Conservative Teabagger out there, is jeopardizing our future.

Imagine if he did inform us of his plans; then he'd be divulging too much information, just like when the CIA revealed the failed rescue attempt of James Foley. The failure of the Obama Administration to "lead" is always the problem. Obviously, Corker has already been booked on Meet The Press as an unbiased source of information. I suspect the show's ratings will continue to plummet.

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