Cosmic Insight: Hand In Hand
Cosmic forecast for creating balance with personal development and relationship compatibility.

What we seek begins to shed light toward manifestation as delightful Venus tags lucky Jupiter on Monday 8.18. Sweet Venus rules values, money, and love, which supports our own hungers, but is also shared to add beauty and kindness to our surroundings. As Venus ‘hooks up’ with Jupiter (who rules abundance, blessings and growth), opportunities and life gems will shine. In this magnificent aspect, we can be a witness to positive shifts, good news, and favorable developments. Of course, some experiences will be much more prominent for some, than for others, but this is based on what we’re attracting, and what we’re staying loyal to. And no matter how big or small this gift from the heavens might be, understand it is a token of great love. [Credit Image:]
When we are grateful for the good we already have, we attract more good into our life. On the other hand, when we are ungrateful, we tend to shut ourselves off from the good we might otherwise experience. Margaret Stortz
With Sun, Venus and Jupiter in Leo, the cosmos are on fire; powered with courage, kindness and generosity. We want happiness and a reason to be optimistic. So be sure to give to receive. Share the sunshine in your pocket. Donate your smile to another. Lend a compassionate ear. Utilize new illuminations and the gift of sight, to expand visions and to move stagnant beliefs to a much richer place in the heart.
In the same breath, we can also want (Venus) much more (Jupiter) than what we actually need. This can attract dark temptations with overspending, while enticing greed with disrespect. This is quite similar to the gambler who wastes his recent winnings for more games of chance. And with an overly-social Gemini Moon, we’re along for the ride, enjoying the shift. We may become a little too comfortable, and not say what we mean. The opposition between Mercury and Neptune later Monday night will call for an ajustment as imagination pours in, allowing illusions and dreams to soar. This surge can blur intentions and facts, causing mental confusion, with open doors to assumptions, accusations, and deception. Communications and boundaries are bound to get a little slippery, so know when you’ve had enough, and when you just may be pushing your luck. Make it an early night, or do something uniquely creative.
To attract good fortune, spend a new penny on an old friend, share an old pleasure with a new friend, and lift up the heart of a true friend; by writing his name on the wings of a dragon. Proverb
Uncomfortable moods and unusual weather patterns will seek us out toward the latter part of the week and weekend. Thursday’s intuitive Cancer Moon will remind us of what we need.. and what we aren’t receiving. We can protect ourselves from brewing storms, by stepping away from unsettled sensitivities. Fortunately, Sun exits from pouncing Leo on Saturday, to enter well-informed Virgo. As animal instincts rise to roar and react, distract unruly emotions by keeping them busy at work. The Virgo Sun is leading us now, through inner awareness, fitness, wellness, being of service to others, and humbleness. Make it a great week, and be well. Tarot Toss, tarot insight for the week: Wheelrx/TenPentsrx.. The returns of an old mistake.
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