Cosmic Insight: When Push Comes To Shove

Cosmic forecast for creating balance with personal development and relationship compatibility.

With a New Moon on Monday, this is an ideal time to withdraw from the chaos of the outer world, to return to the comforts of home and inner serenity. With this new lunar energy, fatigue and low energy can often be experienced for many, causing a drain emotionally and physically. Take this important time to reach inside; to quiet any unnecessary noise. Listen to the crying needs of the heart. From there; we’ll be paying attention to hopeful dreams, more aware of our wishes, while quieltly chanting our cosmic affirmations. In this moment is where we begin to plant the seeds of New Moon blessings & intentions.

Let the New Moon start the week off slowly. As it moves through analytical Virgo, it’s a fine time to concentrate on new healthy intentions that bring focus and awareness on the self, with assessment, scheduling and planning, accountability, physical fitness, mental wellness, yoga, meditation, work and being of service to others, humility and mindfulness. Utilize gentleness for stress management. Aim for appropriate rest time with healthier sleep patterns. Replenish the body with plenty of water, juicy fruits, and mouthwatering vegetables. Evaluate surroundings with awareness. Seek grounding. And get back to earth.

Gravity is a trick of the body, devised to conceal deficiencies of the mind. François de la Rochefoucauld

The Virgo New Moon will struggle to gravitate this week, especially with the coming vibrations of Friday’s Sun/Neptune rx opposition. Visions and the imagination can be muddled with fogginess and clouds of confusion, which can toss common sense right (and direction) right out the window. And while Virgo energy can often seek hard work for the prize of perfection, blurred flaws and a mirage of fears may appear instead, with spurts of worry, anxiety and critique.

As Neptune retrograde charmingly bedazzle with Venus/Uranus possibilities on Monday, insistent Mars will also approach immovable Saturn. The Mars/Saturn conjunction occurs in the dark waters of the Scorpion den. As desires strengthen, our fight intensifies. Creative energy is highly challenged, and extremely tested in Scorpio - urging us to try harder than ever for what we’re yearning for.

And basically, if we feel right about what we’re actually fighting for, then we’ll be more determined to do so – to prove ourselves. Like the image that came to mind with the matdor and the bull. This is a fine example of two very strong and independent powers, who carry two individual perspectives and purpose into the ring. One is instigative, one is defensive. Bravery against strength. Power challenging the ego. Bulldoze or self-discipline. A fight for selfish rewards that only inflate inner authority. So who’s fooling who in this competitve bullring - the crafty matador or the strong bull who is forced to engage?

In a game of aggression and power, there are no winners, only losers. And with the Scorpio Moon weekend approaching, we should work with our New Moon intentions. We should also practice caution and self-discipline (Saturn), as things can get pretty serious, vicious and even deadly in the Scorpio den.

Every act of creation is first an act of destruction. Pablo Picasso

As we stand to fight for what we desire (Mars), sacrifice and blood (Scorpio) will be the price - to end the misery and suffering. Depending on your own situation, whether this be in business, a relationship or personal develoment – ‘calling it quits’ and violent endings will be easy as pie.

But with the right intent and use of this powerful and destructive energy, we can patiently choose to be more aware. By being a better listener, we can successfully remove what is truly ailing our soul and sabotaging our own soaring spirit. Inner conquest is when the real healing and transformations can actually begin.

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