War Criminal Ollie North Says Obama Doesn't Pay Attention

Reagan's henchman Ollie North cuddles up to Carlson on the couch to bash the president for not showing his hand on his ISIL strategy. Rupert's Puppet, Cameron is way superior because he states his objectives with a British accent.

The Obama Administration is furtively guarding their chosen strategy to deal with ISIL. This is reminiscent of a certain White House Correspondents' dinner where the President calmly played the part of a relaxed president enjoying a moment of levity. Meanwhile, the wheels were set in motion on a daring mission to get Osama Bin Laden once and for all. President Obama is, as Commander in Chief and Chief Executive, entitled to execute the strategy of his choosing. Divulging too much information is ill-advised. The Bin Laden raid showed us just that. The Right just isn't having it. They want to be consulted on any military operation after bankrupting the country and ruining the lives of millions with their pre-emptive wars that were so poorly planned.

Fox's curvy weekend couch-occupants figured who would be better to explain sound military policy than the man who traded arms for hostages and is damned lucky not to be making license plates in a federal penitentiary. Tucker 'Bowtie' Carlson introduced Oliver North with this ballsy statement:

There's none who's respected more by the people who fight wars than our next guest, Colonel North.

Yes, because war is something that should be perpetual and who better than a war profiteer to rally the bloodlust of the xenophobic base?

The segment starts with the Fox "experts" lavishing gobs of praise on UK Prime Minister and Rupert Murdoch-puppet David Cameron. This is the "bold strategy" he divulged:

We can't appease this ideology. We have to confront it at home and abroad. To do this we need a tough, intelligent, patient and comprehensive approach to defeat the terrorist threat at its source

I didn't hear a single strategic plan, just what the objectives are, which are pretty damned obvious.

A clip of President Obama follows where he says that we don't have a strategy, yet. Obama hits the "brakes" while Cameron is, "full steam ahead." Carlson interprets that as the President admitting, he doesn't know what he's doing. North acts as if Cameron is the "21st Century Winston Churchill" who is combatting this threat to Judeo Christian culture.(Muslim Fear-mongering is always a winning choice at Fox). Of course it would be quite unwise to let the ISIL hierarchy know exactly what to expect. Cameron didn't even tell them exactly what he's planning; he told them what needs to be done. He'll do what the Murdoch people tell him to do.

It's devastating for all of our allies that our president doesn't take this threat seriously,

North insists. The difference between this Black President and FDR/Truman is they paid attention and took Nazi threats seriously. Apparently this is all fun and games to Obama, Ollie strongly insinuates this several times. Churchill appealed to FDR and Truman and they responded with more bombing, more war.

The most significant aspect of Obama's detachment and isolationism (which is completely false) is the absence of a Bush/Blair or Reagan/Thatcher rapport. North yearns for a US leader who has such a deeply intimate relationship with the British PM which is the same as the relationship between Australia's Abbott and Rupert Murdoch. It's not a relation with the leaders at all. It's the agenda of the Fox Media Magnate who lately calls all the shots in the British Empire and some of its former protectorates.

Obama's supporters say he's smart, he may be, but he's not wise

North says. If Obama only knew how to attack those dirty Muslims as good as the Bush Administration, we would be taking this threat more seriously. When Obama fails to consult Republican Administrations' war criminals for strategic advice, he's "ignoring reality." There's no real will over in that Pentagon anymore, North decides. The President is behind on public opinion of ISIL. In other words, he's not a patriotic American. How could he be, he's black. The most egregious act of ISIL is their murder of CHRISTIANS. That's the real travesty here. He finally makes that point at the end of the interview.

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